Liquid cleansing and fasting have been an integral part of natural medicine for more than 100 years. Thousands of people have discovered restored health through fasting. Dr. Herbert Shelton was one of the founders of the American Natural Hygiene Society, and during his lifetime he supervised more than 40,000 fasts. His greatest tool for assisting patients in reversing disease was to assist them to safely go without food while drinking only water or juice for three to five days, or as long as 30 days.

Simple juice fasts are a great way to quickly purify the body and prepare it for healing. The three-day juice fast will clean mucus out the body and provide you with nutritious, vibrant foods and supplements that rebuild the system and facilitate healing.

Freshly extracted, raw, organic juices are ideal because they contain high amounts of valuable enzymes that not only help you digest the juice, but also exert a powerful healing influence on the body. If, however, you do not have access to a juicer you may use pure, organic, bottled juices that are purchased from local health food stores. Do not use frozen concentrates or juices with added sugar. Use one juice for at least three days. Choose a favorite juice (apple, carrot, citrus, tomato, barley grass, grape, etc.), but use only one for at least three consecutive days.

Do not eat anything during the three days if possible. If absolutely necessary, the matching fruit or vegetable from which you are making juice may be eaten. If you are drinking apple juice, then eat only apples if you feel the need to eat.

When you stop eating foods that contain bulk and fiber, the bowel may stop moving resulting in constipation. Toxic mucous being eliminated from your system can also cause constipation. To prevent these issues from occurring, drink 16 ounces of prune juice first thing upon arising in the morning. If you are still having problems, you may introduce colon cleansing through the use of enemas.

Dr. Christopher, noted herbalist, taught that we must eat our drink and drink our food. Chewing juice ensures proper digestion by mixing it with enzymes found in the mouth. Swish each mouthful thoroughly.

On the fourth day, introduce vegetable organic juices and raw fruits and vegetables. After the fourth day, you may also introduce steamed foods.

You will experience cleansing symptoms on your juice program. You may notice aches and pains, headaches, weakness and other symptoms as your body eliminates toxins and poisons. This is a natural reaction by your body. Be strong since these symptoms result in faster cleansing and healing.

Another powerful ingredient to aid in your detoxification is the herb milk thistle. Ancient Romans and Greeks often used milk thistle as a remedy for liver problems. Many modern medical practitioners also believe milk thistle is one of the most effective herbs for relieving liver disorders and related problems.

Your liver is like a “traffic cop” for many activities that occur in your body. For example, it eliminates or neutralizes toxins in the blood. It also plays a role in controlling infection.

Milk thistle contains a chemical substance called silymarin, which is believed to help:

* Cleanse and detoxify your liver.
* Relieve inflammation of liver cells (hepatitis).
* Treat symptoms of a scarred liver (cirrhosis) from excess alcohol consumption.

Research shows milk thistle may also help protect your kidneys from damage caused by chemotherapy medications. It can even play a role in protecting your prostate from abnormal cell growth.

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