In 1993, talk-show host Larry King had an unexpected guest on his program — David Reynard, who argued that radiation from a cell phone caused or accelerated the growth of a brain tumor in his wife. Susan Reynard died in 1992, just short of her 34th birthday.

The Florida Circuit Court that heard Reynard’s case rejected it on the grounds that too little was known about a potential link between cell phones and cancer.  What was needed, the court said, was much deeper and more comprehensive knowledge about the subject.  The New York Times article linked below examines the following question:  Now, nineteen years later, if Reynard were to reappear in court, what is known about a possible cell phone/cancer link?

According to the New York Times:

“It is possible, of course, that even … sophisticated experiments will be unable to determine the risk. The lag time of cancer development with phone use may be 50 or 70 years — and cellphones have been around for only three decades or so.”

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